Spaghetti Dinner Considered a Success

The spaghetti dinner Friday, February 20, was considered a success with 75 attending. This is very good considering the advance notice was very short and publicity was minimal with not much more than "word of mouth." Sometimes good news travels fast and effectively. Just think what an ad or notice in the paper would have done.

It did get a short notice on this website. It wasn't much more than a day. Watch this space for more interesting things to come. The Thursday "Food Night" will gradually return. So will other menu options. Watch for announcements here and elsewhere.


In Closing...

The WAVP Veterans Center honors the Veterans of yesterday, today and tomorrow. It recognizes and celebrates the sacrifice of those who served in past conflicts, those who serve today, and those whose service awaits them. These men and women and their families are ever mindful of the reality that freedom is not free. It is in this spirit that we build this very special home "Where Patriots Gather"